- Formatting - special characters
In addition to general document formatting, the HTML special characters are also supported. These are triggered by the syntax &xxx; where xxx is a short name for the specific special character.
There are many many special characters defined in HTML. Consult one of the numerous HTML references out there for details. Here are a few special characters relevant to this site:
Greek letters
Ω --> Ω (Ohms)
ω --> ω (radians/second)
π --> π
µ --> µ
β --> β
Θ --> Θ
Any fraction with a single digit in the numerator and denominator can be written as &fracXY; where X is the numerator and Y the denominator. For example:
½ --> ½
¾ --> ¾
⅝ --> ⅝
Math symbols
¬ --> ¬
∞ --> ∞
≥ --> ≥
≤ --> ≤
≠ --> ≠
≅ --> ≅
⋅ --> ⋅
± --> ±
× --> ×
Other characters
° --> ° (degrees)
& --> &
--> (non-breaking space)
< --> < (less than, avoids interpretation as HTML)
> --> > (great than, avoids interpretation as HTML)
$ --> $ (avoids triggering MathJax)