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Yes, plugging a microphone into a headphone output could possibly damage the microphone. Microphones are designed to work on tiny vibrations and tiny currents. A dynamic microphone will work back...
#1: Initial revision
Yes, plugging a microphone into a headphone output could possibly damage the microphone. Microphones are designed to work on tiny vibrations and tiny currents. A dynamic microphone will work backwards as a speaker, but at very low power. In any case, across all the various combinations of ouputs/inputs and plugging passive devices into them, it is quite unlikely that the electronics would be damaged. The only case of damage I can think of is plugging in a delicate microphone into an output with significant power capability. As for "headsets" versus "earphones", I don't know what the difference is supposed to be. Supposedly both are passive devices intended to driven from audio outputs that are intended to source some power.