Posts by Andy aka
in my schematic we must add R1 correct? Yes that works except: - One last question if we deliver voltage to a house are there varactors which can handle 120V AC No, they don't exist.
My answer from another place: - It's best to use a 4 layer board looking at the tracks you have on your ground-plane side. But, if you are really insistent on using only two layers (why?) then do...
Is C2 here to protect the voltage source from thermal noise? There's absolutely no chance that any level of thermal noise produced by a resistor will be sufficient to cause any reasonably desi...
if we don't apply a sinusoidal signal at the input s may become a complex number $$$$ All real-world signals exist only on the $j\omega$ axis. Consider that a complicated signal can be broke...
There are plenty of ways a single diode and a couple of resistors can perform multiplication (RF mixing). Consider this circuit that takes two inputs (a 1 MHz sinusoidal carrier wave and a 10 kHz t...
It appears that a user's reputation score has disappeared from the top ribbon at the side of the user's login avatar/picture. Is this an intentional thing?
CAN is asynchronous and, if you receive a string of consecutive zeros, the UART mechanism that turns raw CAN data into "a byte" might have to wait a great deal longer than 1 bit of data before it c...
These are my general thoughts: - Easiest - power management IC (PMIC) Smallest footprint - PMIC usually Cheapest - usually PMIC (for a certain minimum performance level) Highest performance - PMIC...
$$\boxed{\text{What maximum value of } I_{OUT} \text{ did you have in mind?}}$$ Using $I_{OUT}$ and $V_{OUT}$ we calculate power uplift. Using power uplift and switching frequency, we calculate how...
When the outage occurred, I observed the following The L1/G voltage difference was 120V (good). The G/L2 voltage difference was 90V (bad). The L1/L2 voltage difference was 30V (very bad!). If t...
Any electronic component or module you buy for a project or design should have a data sheet. By data sheet I mean a portable document format (PDF or equivalent) like this: - Do not assume that...
Currently there are $\boxed{\color{red}{\text{three}}}$ downvotes so maybe someone can explain why this has happened. Anyway, on to my downvoted answer: - You have "mentioned" the threat (the ESD ...
I need to know what is the difference between differential amplifier and differentiator A differential amplifier amplifies the difference voltage between two signal voltages. A differentiator ...
Which will be the total inductance of this circuit? Quite simply, if both the individual 1 henry inductors are perfectly magnetically coupled then, the net inductance will be 4 henries. If bot...
The question below was raised by a "new user". The identity of the "new user" was deleted because it was found to be an alias of an already suspended user: - So, why is the question still active...
A work around has been found for this and I'm sure this will get a proper fix before long: - Go to the edit button for your answer (for example) and press it Notice that there is no live preview s...
what is the maximum DC voltage I can bias this connector at I don't see why this shouldn't be treated like any other component that has a maximum voltage stated in its data sheet or documentat...
without the use of differential equations or simulation Then use Laplace transforms to derive the transfer function. Multiply it by 1/s to get the Laplace result when a step is applied then, u...
$\color{purple}{\text{Are we there yet?}}$ No, it's not ready: - The embed image doesn't seem to work anymore on the EE part of the site and neither does it work here. It did yesterday because I a...
Very short answer - get rid of downvotes on answers; just don't allow them In fact, wouldn't it be a better policy to award upvotes to people who point out errors. That would encourage folk to wan...
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