Comments on audio amplifier
audio amplifier [closed]
Closed as off topic by Olin Lathrop on Feb 9, 2025 at 13:39
This question is not within the scope of Electrical Engineering.
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Hi, I am new to electronics and I am a final year undergraduate from the UK. I have a project I am currently working on. the project is to design, build, measure, and compare a Class A and a Class AB low-power HiFi audio amplifiers. Also, audio measurements with oscilloscopes and spectrum analysers will determine the performance achieved These will be low power (around 1 Watt rms) but very high fidelity amplifiers.A design based on discrete BJT NPN and PNP transistors is desirable. The number of transistors used will be approximately 3-5, and there will be two stages: a voltage amplification stage, and an output power stage that in one case will be Class A and in the other case Class AB, with at least two transistors in both cases. Negative feedback will be used to reduce distortion. Please use small-signal transistors BC547/BC557 and medium power transistors BD137/BD140 or equivalent
I am pushed by my supervisor to find a schematic that ticks the boxes but can't seem to find one. as this is just a university project they don't expect something really advanced only something I can show. does anyone have suggestions or can help?
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