Comments on Summing op-amp 10 meters long
Summing op-amp 10 meters long
I’ve a linear sensor array (broadside). The array is 10m long and it contains 20 sensors. There’s a limit on the number of wires. I can have a handful of wires running the length of the array, but can’t have an individual wire going to each sensor.
I need to sum the signals form the sensors. For the purposes of this question, I’d like to sum in analog. Could a summing op-amp with a 10m long summing node work for this purpose?
The bandwidth of the signal is under 1 kHz, if that matters.
Yes, that should work. Each sensor is then dumping a current related to its measurement onto a single common wire. Basically, the sensor outputs are summed because currents add.
10 m shouldn't be an issue for 1 kHz. The harder problem is avoiding external noise pickup. Make sure everything is shielded to the extent it can be.
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