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Do common-source JFET amplifiers have an advantage over common-drain? The JFET would be in a low noise photodiode amplifier. The signal is 100us pulses with 10us raise times. Here are the schema...
#2: Post edited
Do common-source JFET amplifiers have an advantage over common-drain? The JFET would be in a low noise photodiode amplifier. The signal is 100us pulses with blunted raise times.- Here are the schematics which I have in mind.
- The op-amp would be [LTC6252]( or [LT6200]( Single-supply operation is desirable for me.
- <h3>Common-drain</h3>
- I picked up this common-drain idea from the [LT6200 datasheet]( (application example on the first page).
- Common-drain JFET has a prototyping appeal, because it would be easy to try a simple transimpedance op-amp (without a JFET) on the same PCB. Fallback position.
- <h3>Common-source</h3>
- I picked up this common-source idea from [this app note](
- Do common-source JFET amplifiers have an advantage over common-drain? The JFET would be in a low noise photodiode amplifier. The signal is 100us pulses with 10us raise times.
- Here are the schematics which I have in mind.
- The op-amp would be [LTC6252]( or [LT6200]( Single-supply operation is desirable for me.
- <h3>Common-drain</h3>
- I picked up this common-drain idea from the [LT6200 datasheet]( (application example on the first page).
- Common-drain JFET has a prototyping appeal, because it would be easy to try a simple transimpedance op-amp (without a JFET) on the same PCB. Fallback position.
- <h3>Common-source</h3>
- I picked up this common-source idea from [this app note](
#1: Initial revision
Choosing between common-drain JFET amplifier, and common-source
Do common-source JFET amplifiers have an advantage over common-drain? The JFET would be in a low noise photodiode amplifier. The signal is 100us pulses with blunted raise times. Here are the schematics which I have in mind. The op-amp would be [LTC6252]( or [LT6200]( Single-supply operation is desirable for me. <h3>Common-drain</h3>  I picked up this common-drain idea from the [LT6200 datasheet]( (application example on the first page). Common-drain JFET has a prototyping appeal, because it would be easy to try a simple transimpedance op-amp (without a JFET) on the same PCB. Fallback position. <h3>Common-source</h3>  I picked up this common-source idea from [this app note](