Speed of EM waves from the point of view of an electrical engineer
An important formula in physics is one that relates the speed of an EM wave (c for instance) with the magnetic permeability and electric permittivity of the medium. In short: -
$$c = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon\cdot\mu}}$$Where $\epsilon$ is the absolute value of permittivity of the medium and, $\mu$ is the same but for magnetic permeability. The formula is "given" to us (as mere engineers) but, I'm wondering if anyone can show how we might derive this formula using EE skills?
1 answer
A loss-less coaxial cable has inductance and capacitance and, their associated formulas introduce $\epsilon$ and $\mu$. But, to home-in on the velocity of propagation, the characteristic impedance must also be determined. We can avoid the complexity of the telegrapher's equations by looking at a short piece of loss-less cable in the frequency domain: -
When s, L and C are small, we can ignore the $s^2LCZ_0$ term, hence: -
$$sCZ_0^2 = sL$$And, $\hspace{7cm}Z_0 = \sqrt{\dfrac{L}{C}}\hspace{1cm}$ (a well known formula).
Having $Z_0$, we can analyse the circuit's transfer function. This allows us to find the output phase lag and, with a little more manipulation, the time delay for 1 metre of cable: -
A general bode plot using lumped-values for L and C (per metre) is of interest: -
Here's a close-up of the phase response plotted linearly against frequency up to 1 MHz: -
At 1 MHz, the output phase lag is 1.8°
As a fraction of the period (1 μs) it's 0.005 hence, it's a time lag of 5 ns.
At 100 kHz, the phase lag is 0.18° but, it's still a time lag of 5 ns
Because 1 metre lengths of capacitance and inductance are modelled, the equivalent velocity of propagation is 200 million metres per second (the inverse of the time lag).
A simulator is great as a demonstrator but, a phase angle formula is needed so that we know what the dependencies are. It's a simple 2nd order low pass filter and, if you went through the derivation (omitted to keep the answer shorter) you find this: -
$$\text{Phase lag} = \arctan\left(\dfrac{2\zeta\dfrac{\omega}{\omega_n}}{1 - \dfrac{\omega^2}{\omega_n^2}}\right)$$Because we are making $\omega$ a lot smaller than $\omega_n$ we can simplify: -
- The arctan of a small number is the small number because $$\arctan(x) = x - \frac{x^3}{3} + \frac{x^5}{5} - ...$$
- The denominator equals 1
But, we can also determine $\zeta$ for the circuit. Wikipedia RLC circuits shows it is this: -
And, because we know that R is $Z_0$ $\left(\sqrt{\frac{L}{C}}\right)$, $\zeta$ must equal 0.5. The phase lag now becomes: -
$$\text{Phase lag} = {\dfrac{\omega}{\omega_n}} = \omega\sqrt{LC}$$Anyone studying telegrapher's equations will recognize this as the imaginary part of the propagation constant.$$$$
Dividing the phase lag by $\omega$ gives us the time lag: -
$$\text{Time lag} = \dfrac{1}{\omega_n} = \sqrt{LC}$$And, the velocity of propagation is the reciprocal of the time lag (for a 1 metre length of cable): -
$$\text{Velocity of propagation} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}$$Nearly there!
Right at the start I mentioned coaxial cable and its inductance and capacitance per unit length. The formulas are: -
$$L = \dfrac{\mu}{2\pi}\ln\left(\dfrac{b}{a}\right)$$Taken from Inductance of a Coaxial Structure
$$C = \dfrac{2\pi\epsilon}{\ln\left(\dfrac{b}{a}\right)}$$Taken from Capacitance of a coaxial structure
If we multiply L and C we get $\epsilon\cdot\mu$ hence,
$$\text{Velocity of propagation} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{\epsilon\cdot\mu}}$$
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