Yes, that should work. Each sensor is then dumping a current related to its measurement onto a single common wire. Basically, the sensor outputs are summed because currents add. 10 m shouldn't b...
It all depends on what is connected between the main board and this "hat" board. Your schematic doesn't show any of these connections, so we can't really tell. In the end, the high current loop s...
I'm going to guess that by "PT100" you mean a positive coefficient temperature sensor with a nominal resistance of 100 Ω at 0°C or 25°C. Whatever it is you mean, it should be in your question. Th...
The 1st page of a datasheet is written by marketing. It can still give you an idea of what the chip is about, but it often contains the performance data under the best conditions. The conditions ...
I am using TPS63000 in my design and I need to control PS/SYNC pin using a micro-controller. **The input to the buck boost converter is 3V to 4.3V which is coming from a battery. The microcontrol...
Read the datasheet and do the math. On page 3 of the datasheet we find that the guaranteed high and low threshold voltages for the PS/SYNC input are 1.4 and 0.4 V, and its maximum input current is...
When the switch is ON the transceiver will be active No, it's the other way around. First, you should be able to see the bar over SHDN in the datasheet. That means negative logic, where low is a...
is it possible that moving around laptop antennas does not change the specifications drastically, because, for example, the antennas are low-power The radiated power is probably not low compared t...
The section you quoted says: "by injecting a small amount of current into the ground". With a solid ground connection, the voltage on their ground pin shouldn't change no matter what current is in...
I've figure probably not an IGBT since their gate requires too much current, while a BJT would be too wasteful as well, so would that mean a MOSFET or JFET is the best choice? First, let's cla...
I am reading through a multi-channel power supply manual and at some point it discusses the ability to chain channels in parallel to increase current output. In the schematic, there is one resisto...
You need something with very low on-state voltage drop. That effectively means some type of FET. Those look resistive when on, as opposed to a voltage source like a BJT does. You need to look ca...
When posting identification or general questions related to connectors, integrated circuits or other parts with pins/legs, engineers always speak about something called pitch. What is the meaning ...
I see that Nick has already provided a good answer to R5, so I'll only address this: Furthermore, an amplifier symbol called "gm" is labeled as transconductor. What does it do? What you show is a...
As a personal project, I have designed a synchronous FIFO in Verilog HDL. But while testing with a testbench, I observed that the FIFO values are flushed out after one clock cycle when read-enable ...
200 HP is 147.1 kW. At 480 V, it takes 306 A to transfer that much power. You didn't say, but your 480 V power feed is probably three-phase, and the motor is three-phase too. I don't remember ho...
If I use this connector at its rated working voltage, does that automatically mean I am not complying to IEC 62368 safety standard? The pattern you reference seems to assume one side of all eight ...
First, the time dilation experienced by a satellite is tiny on a human scale. It takes sophisticated algorithms and lots of processing power to measure time differences between a spot on earth and...
I am designing a control system controlled by some microcontroller K: The open loop gain is $G_{o}(s) = \frac{K}{s(s^{2}+4s+3)}$ and the closed loop gain is obviously $G_{c}(s) = \frac{K}{s(s^{...
Introduction Yes, all those terms denote the same concept, that of differential (or incremental, or dynamic) parameter of a device. In the following I will explain such a concept initially in the...
RG58 cables come in different variations, even with Teflon dielectric suitable for 200°C operations. Your cable, being suitable for up to 80°C, seems to be one of those with a PVC jacket and Polyet...
One of the main reasons was hinted by Olin's answer, at the end, when he spoke about non-linearities. The same is hinted in the excerpt in Nick Alexeev's answer ("they would overload the player amp...
Most of the issues have been discussed by other answers. However I would like to clarify something about pure water (a.k.a. "distilled water" or "demineralized water"), which is "apparently" not a ...
To truly "open circuit test" a motor as I interpret it, remove it from power, and measure the following: Using an Ohmmeter, measure each winding resistance. Start from W1 to W2. This will be...
I think we should definitely allow technical terms translations, because it's really difficult to find reliable sources online. And the translation process can be tricky, since the translated term ...