I benchtested below 0.7A constant current source circuit and observed few cycles of oscillation on drain current. With the help of bode plot analysis , I have managed to reduce the oscillations on ...
What should the firmware do when it detects that VBUS (re)appeared? What should the firmware do when VBUS has disappeared? I'm not familiar with the STM32 USB library, and have only dealt with th...
I am looking at this RF connector. I see that insulation resistance and breakdown voltage are specified, but no voltage rating: I have two questions, one functional and one safety. Functionally...
Every real part has resistance including your piezo current source. Every switch resistance is a loss in energy (I^2 R * t)=E and includes diode and transistor switches. What you need, I think, is...
First, note this only applies when the line to the input power source is long enough to have significant inductance. If the power source is on the same circuit board, then this isn't an issue. Th...
Your question is ambiguous. First, you need to define "rise time". That applies to a step, not a periodic signal. Let's say you have a 0 to 5 V digital signal. The rise time is how long it take...
I agree with this approach. Categories should only be created when they are expected to have reasonable traffic. A category with only chirping crickets is an anti-advertisement. Take a look at t...
When measuring signals at different points on the skin of the body, you don't usually want to connect the victim patient to ground. Usually you use an extra electrode connected some distance away ...
Does C have a mechanism which lets me mark a section of code such that breakpoints are somehow ignored or not allowed just in that section? Generally compilers are completely unaware of debugg...
Using voltage as a way of saying "I'm dealing with voltage here" is pointless - most electronics questions do. I think the voltage vs current tags are however relevant in the case when you need to...
I agree with everything said. I didn't really consider until now that Codidact (unlike Someplace Else) supports case-sensitive tagging. So in addition, perhaps add a note regarding the following: ...
how much higher can i go in current ripple RMS None, of course, at least if you want to rely on anything else the datasheet says. The heating is a function of the RMS current. No, you don't get ...
This graph - MLCC temperature rise vs ripple current RMS & frequency If I had a 10 us current spike every 100 000 us (akin to a half-sine wave and then the rest of 9999 sine waves missing), ...
First question I have is why conductor/earth voltage rating for DC is specified lower at 0.9kV? Imagine two cables running side to side. To get from one cable to the other, an electron would h...
Do you supply the PSON# signal before or after the main power comes on, or before connecting the load? Looking at the datasheets, the correct sequence is VAC power on, then PSON# signal to ground,...
CMRR design is key to rejecting grid e-fields that impose noise onto EMG, EKG,EEG amplifiers. This includes all series Zs of cable balance and Amp CMRR. For this reason >100 dB CMRR are requ...
Current limiting input differential Rs of 1M into a 10M INA with clamp diodes make this a simple task.
Any time you have a dielectric interface ( ___ pF ) source resistance will always have an error in signal response until the electrode impedance is eqal or less than the sub-cutaneous impedance. T...
The thermal noise of a resistance depends only on that resistance. However, there is always some parasitic capacitance. That capacitance against the resistance causes a low pass filter. So in a ...
In EMG there is a certain level of thermal noise created at the electrode-gel-skin interface which depends on the skin-electrode impedance (also known as source impedance). I have been able get th...
The main problem with a question along the lines of "how do you design a product for medical applications" is that it's way too broad. You cannot reasonably write a somewhat complete answer because...
is there a technical reason that prohibits such cable from working? Two reasons: Signal integrity Data integrity Signal integrity is reason #1. Basically, cables are not "transparent"...
Feeding the watchdog from an interrupt service routine is indeed a bad idea, usually. It depends on what you are really trying to protect against. The purpose of a hardware watchdog is usually to...
The problem with refreshing the watchdog from an ISR is that in case the main program hangs for whatever the reason, the ISR will keep living and could keep the watchdog alive, effectively blocking...
I was experimenting with a transimpedance amplifier and a photodiode, the circuit was the following: Input current was initially calculated to be 500nA, which would produce -2V output. Current s...