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Activity for Andy aka‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #276200 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276200 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276197 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276200 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276200 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Relationship between bode plot and pole zero diagram
For any 2nd order low pass filter, the components (R, L and C for electrical and k, M and c for mechanical) can be reduced into two more meaningful quantities: - - \$\zeta\$ (the damping ratio) - \$\omegan\$ (the natural resonant frequency) Concentrating on the RLC circuit in the question, t...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276197 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question Relationship between bode plot and pole zero diagram
What is the relationship between the pole zero diagram and bode plot? Case example: a 2nd order RLC low pass filter: - Image alt text $$\dfrac{V{OUT}}{V{IN}} = \dfrac{\frac{1}{j\omega C}}{R+j\omega L +\frac{1}{j\omega C}} = \dfrac{1}{j\omega RC +j^2\omega^2 LC +1} = \dfrac{\frac{1}{LC}}{\fr...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 @ArtOfCode - I think I can give more details on the preview pane not working because I've just done something that temporarily fixes it AND it does appear that I have the same issue on meta and Q n A. If I select "edit" then I get the screenshot as I've shown above. If then I use CTRL-mousewheel to z...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 @ArtOfCode - yes (cool) I can embed an image now. I have done so in the above answer - that image shows that I don't see the preview pane on the EE site (just taken new screenshot to check).
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276154 If you can't find a data sheet then it's likely because there isn't one. Hence don't use the part. You find reputable sources based on searching around and looking for good electronic parts suppliers like Farnell, RS, Digikey, Mouser (for instance). And, importantly, if you target a part that you mig...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 @ArtOfCode - no nothing happening when I hit the image button. No different to earlier. Strange that it worked once on my EE Q and A but not again.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 Aha a downvote for pointing stuff out. Sounds very similar to stack exchange in this respect. Guys, I'm trying to help. Any news on when I will be able to post pictures @ArtOfCode?
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276154 @manassehkatz I rejected your modification because clearly we don't agree. If I can't use the PDF logo in the answer for legal reasons then that's fine - I shall remove it and find another way of expressing it. But, seriously, there are a vast number of budding engineers and hobbyists out there who h...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 OK I've done that but, I can't post an image (although I've saved one) because the image insert button doesn't work ([there's a hole in my bucket dear Liza](
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 What I'm saying is that nobody has a right of entitlement to saying what a bug is. My opinion (any new user) on this site and how it seems to me SHOULD BE OF INTEREST and if it doesn't appear to be that, then that needs to be re-thought.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 I'm a guy that comes along (as a brand new user) and I find things that seem odd. It needn't be me; it can be anyone. So, even the most basic thing like me incompetently pressing the wrong button and saying it's a bug has validity because, I am in that unique position of being a brand new user. To me...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 .... Olin asked me along here to throw in my little bit and that's what I'm doing. Of course I may be wrong about this or that and need a slight poke in the eye as a reminder to work at things a bit more but, there are things I say that still look like bugs.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276166 @ArtOfCode No, I don't want to post it as a question on meta. Olin says these are system-wide issues and YOU say it is not a bug, a misunderstanding or same as SE. There is a huge difference between what you say and what Olin says so you guys need to get your cylindrical brown lumps together because ...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 Yes, yes, yes we've already done the java vs JS thing once. I have JS enabled on my chrome browser. Version installed: Version 83.0.4103.97 (Official Build) (64-bit). The double underscore has been resolved as "user incompetence".
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276166 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Are we there yet?
\$\color{purple}{\text{Are we there yet?}}\$ No, it's not ready: - The embed image doesn't seem to work anymore on the EE part of the site and neither does it work here. It did yesterday because I added an image to an answer I posted; but not today - I just get a message saying: - `javascr...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 Javascript was not blocked in google chrome - I checked. I also specifically enabled it for this site but no luck and I still can't see the preview pane. Maybe it's a chrome thing that you haven't got right yet?
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276154 Have you ever noticed that when going to a component website that the data sheet link is usually a PDF icon. Hence why I deposited the PDF icon in the answer so, I presume that when you say "PDF icon means nothing here" you must mean something else. And no, I disagree that "anything" (presumably you ...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 I've just tried editing the question above but the double underscore for bullet points doesn't appear to work also and also, I tried to embed a screen shot from my EE question (in order to show the lack of preview pane) and now the image embed button doesn't work. How do I enable java for this site?
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276155 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 I have Java enabled (who doesn't these days!). You say there is a live preview feature "available" - does that mean I need to find it because it's not present if i go back to my question/answer and trial edit it.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276157 Thanks. Hmmm java should be working because I use it a lot!
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276155 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question Viewing the potential live output when editing a question or answer.
I have just raised a Q and A but when editing the answer (that involves a picture) there is no "live" version of the potentially finished post and this will prove to be a problem when making a complex answer especially if MathJax/Latex is used. SE.EE does support this feature and I think it's vital. ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276154 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276154 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: What to check for when buying an electronic component or module?
1. Any electronic component or module you buy for a project or design should have a data sheet. By data sheet I mean a portable document format (PDF or equivalent) like this: - Image alt text 2. Do not assume that the product will be OK based on marketing/sales claims without researching ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276153 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What to check for when buying an electronic component or module?
How can I acquire electronic parts/items/modules and ensure that there is minimal risk of them being unsuitable for my project or design?
almost 5 years ago