Posts by Olin Lathrop
For power polygon that primarily carry DC, how critical is it that it is located above a ground plane? Practically not at all. Power planes are overrated. Think about what problem you are really...
When placing traces on this ground plane, is it better to Keep them as tightly packed as possible, grouping them into a concentrated "island" within the ground pour (Image 1)? Space them out slig...
Partial answer awaiting more specs Your question can't really be answered until we know how accurate the resulting solenoid drive levels need to be relative to the 0-10 V input signals, and how fa...
Talk to your board house. 4 mil slop for the soldermask around pads is excessive. Leaving 4 mils is fine for larger parts, but as you say, it doesn't work for fine pitch. The main reason for mak...
I stopped trying to read your equations after the second undefined term. In general, start analyzing such things assuming switches, diodes, and the like are ideal. Also consider continuous and di...
The first thing I noticed is that all your circuits use separate resistors to convert the current of each side to a voltage. That will cause a differential mode error signal to the extent the resi...
Yes, we should add how to use MathJax to the help for this site. Unfortunately, there are several things that work against getting this done: The Codidact help system sucks! When we first starte...
Feeding the watchdog from an interrupt service routine is indeed a bad idea, usually. It depends on what you are really trying to protect against. The purpose of a hardware watchdog is usually to...
Yes, that should work. Each sensor is then dumping a current related to its measurement onto a single common wire. Basically, the sensor outputs are summed because currents add. 10 m shouldn't b...
It all depends on what is connected between the main board and this "hat" board. Your schematic doesn't show any of these connections, so we can't really tell. In the end, the high current loop s...
I'm going to guess that by "PT100" you mean a positive coefficient temperature sensor with a nominal resistance of 100 Ω at 0°C or 25°C. Whatever it is you mean, it should be in your question. Th...
When the switch is ON the transceiver will be active No, it's the other way around. First, you should be able to see the bar over SHDN in the datasheet. That means negative logic, where low is a...
Personally I wouldn't want another category (what you seem to mean by "section"). I also don't think this should be a code review site. However, asking for validation and advice on small and spec...
I'm thinking out loud here and haven't solved this yet. This answer is logging my process as I try to solve the problem. It may very well result in the same long-winded process you went thru. No...
As an alternative to doing the math, as detailed in Andy's answer, you can use a graphical aid called a Smith chart: These were used routinely before computers to match transmitters to antennas. ...
You are asking about feedback in this circuit, and how R3 fits into that: First, note that the circuit is an emitter follower, and has a voltage gain less than 1. Second, R3 bypasses the transi...
A diode mixer exploits the fact that the voltage across a diode is the log of the current thru it, to a good enough approximation for many uses. Now note that multiplication can be performed by ta...
in my schematic we must add R1 correct? No. Ultimately you are adjusting the varactor with a DC voltage that has a certain impedance. You can think of it as a Thevenin source. In your case, the...
I am not familiar with that chip, and only took a very quick look at the datasheet. Here is the block diagram of the part from the top of the first page: A few things pop out from this: This c...
The charger is supposed to output 20V-24V when the roomba is plugged in. However it's only showing 1.6V. If this is really true, then there is no point going further. The charger isn't working, t...
Your question really comes down to how a delta-sigma A/D works. The A/D internally models the input voltage with a stream of bits. Each bit can only indicate the minimum or maximum voltage. The ...
Baud rate is about the speed of bit slots in the channel or symbols. Bit rate is the rate at which actual data is transmitted. Put another way, baud rate is what you see when you look at a scope ...
First, that's an archaic chip that requires a lot of circuitry around it to do anything useful. Why use this particular chip? Second, the datasheet gives you an example of how to use this part as ...
Before we get into your problem, there are a few things to say about your descriptions. You need to step back and think about what we know and don't know, then learn to communicate specifications ...
First, draw schematics properly when you ask others to look at them. Your right to left flow is rather annoying. There are two main possibilities for this circuit to cause noise, the inductor and ...