pure stable sinusoidal wave This is impossible. Forget it. Go home. No matter what you do, there will always be some noise added to the sine wave. Some random noise and some harmonic distortio...
1- What we call this opamp configuration? 2- What's the advantage and the disadvantage of this circuit? 3- And what's the purpose of the L2 in the feedback? I have changed gradually the value of...
Suppose we have a RC low pass filter of 1st order. If we add multiple stages every time we add a RC stage identical to our original does the slope of the curve in the bode plot db/Hz becomes wild...
I am designing a low-pass filter with cut-off frequency = 100Hz and after the cutoff frequency from -3dB to -10dB the average decrease in db/Hz = -0.1 db/Hz.I know how to design a low-pass filter ...
I was studying the Re model of a transistor: But the Re model for 2 different configurations (common emitter and common base )turns out to be the same! I don't know why I am really confused.How...
In a previous question we found that for a critically damped oscillation: $$ I(t) = 2 t e^{-0.5 t} $$But if we integrate to find the voltage through the capacitor: $$ V_{CO} + \frac{1}{C} \cd...
The small signal analysis of a BJT when the BJT is in amplification mode: is easy.However what happens when the BJT is in saturation mode? Can we replace the dependent current source with a r...
Im designing a Hartley oscillator this time with a opamp providing the open-loop gain.I have tried drawing the small-signal analysis of my circuit to use KVL and KCL to find the conditions of opera...
The output collector-emitter part of a transistor can be thought of as a 2-terminal SPST switch controlled by the input base-emitter voltage or base current. So this transistor switch can control o...
I am trying to find out the transfer function of below arbitrary dc-dc converter and not able to succeed . quick analysis goes as written below , 1. M1 on Δ IL2= (V1-VL1-VO)*D/L2......VO=Output ...
Why does Example 5 solve for KKT conditions by directly computing the system of equations, unlike Example 4 (Solved for active / inactive constraints)
One common solution for some 3 LDO's is to use a Buck regulator followed by a very low dropout PFET linear regulator combined into one part. IC's with very low V logic-level FETs (Vt=0.65) are used...
I'm Interested In Power Circuit. What Courses/Guidelines To I Need To Properly and Effectively Under Power Circuits??
I've tryed to implement a local ground concept told by Olin Latrop here : He have told: (What I've perceived)You should not connect every gnd point instantly to gnd plane, since it can inject HF ...
Mini-circuits LNA PHA-LN13+ has suggested: Eval board Layout Eval Gerber The image took from the Gerber file (3rd ref.) (Though all 3-reference mentioned containing it): There I have som...
In both cases, is the "X" point floating when there is no 12V applied ?
Apart from correcting capitalization, which is a valid change, I think you are at the same time doing a lot of subjective changes to certain tags and it can get very intrusive on the site. I don't ...
I am trying to test a AD8307. Here are my connections: (pins not shown are left unconnected, and also pin 8). I get a quiescent output voltage at pin 4 of about 850 mV with respect to ground, w...
Please see the image below. I'm trying to convert my IKEA NYFORS floor lamp into a reading light, by covering the top with an Aluminium pie plate. Will this be a fire or electrical hazard? Does an...
Im designing a high-pass filter which has a gain of -8dB at half of the roll-off frequency and I am stuck ,I dont know how to continue the design. In the bode plot of that filter we have 2 points:...
It all depends on the values of the components:If the system will very slowly decay until the energy of the system reaches 0. If the system undergoes something which will look like a part of...
When 2 inductors share the same magnetic field they become coupled and besides their self inductance they have a mutual inductance as well. For this circuit: Now current entering one coil marke...
I have this circuit: I think that R3 acts like a feedback path from the output to the input.However I am not sure what will happen if I change the value from 100Ohms to lets say 1kOhms. I have ...
I have learnt that if we have 2 parallel conductive plates and we seperate them the capacitance is increased if we put a good conductor between the plates. Now the resonant frequency of a inductor...
How do I find the current through the inductor and the voltage of the inductor after the switch is closed?