Posts by Andy aka
Equivalent Circuit, 1:1 transformer Start by simplifying the circuit and change the transformer to a single inductor. This simplification ignores the benefits of isolation but, flyback converter t...
Why are some PCB design software programs considered to be 'hobbyist' programs? Elitism and, folk with money to burn. I've used Altium, PADs, OrCad, Eagle and my current personal favourite is...
If the data sheet doesn't indicate that the two devices are matched then sorry, they probably are not and, you should use a matched device like the PMP5201Y that you linked. That data sheet mention...
The lifetime rating is (usually) quoted as "so many" hours at a certain temperature and that is the crucial thing to be aware of. For instance, consider a capacitor like this one: - Some in the ...
Why am I getting these downvotes? It started last week (or the week before) and now it seems like it's getting contagious: - Seems like this site has some of the same outrageous inclinations as ...
Which graph on the picture above better represents real-world use-case? They both represent real-world use cases. The impedance graph informs you how much ESL (effective series inductance) the...
I need to design a simple flyback converter like this: - I want to control duty cycle from another circuit such as an MCU but, I'm unsure how to proceed. My requirements are: - Input voltage 125 ...
To add to Olin's excellent answer, if you were probing on a digital IO line in order to view a fast changing signal, without the local ground clip (or spring) grounded close to where you make the m...
I have recently finished designing a buck-boost converter for a job that uses a split (+/-) input power supply. Load power is taken equally from both positive and negative input supplies and, the ...
A taper pad is a resistive attenuator that maintains impedances on both ports and provides a specific amount of gain-loss ($A_{12}$): - I have derived formulas for each resistor (that I know to ...
Is there any way to reset a core quickly without having ground / reference terminal pulled towards negative voltage Unfortunately not but, if instead of trying to send the complete pulse throu...
Embedding pictures is a pain in the ass. First you have to find the picture and save it locally then you have to drop it onto a special box before it can be processed. On SE, you just drag it to wh...
Try this out for size: - Hope it's clear. Maybe a little simulation of 10 km 600 Ω line might help paint a better picture: - The voltage (V1) that feeds the t-line via the 100 Ω lamp is a 1 v...
If you are AC coupling to a load then you need an emitter resistor to set the DC operating point and quiescent current of the amplifier. An external AC coupled load cannot do this and, it needs to ...
That fourth connection is the bulk/body/substrate connection: - Image from here. On a normal 3 terminal MOSFET the "body" is connected to the source. On your device, the 3 n-channel MOSFETs shar...
I think you can make a pretty good case for the spike being caused by the addition of the 100n and 10n capacitors: - I assume that the solder blobs between capacitors introduced a series indu...
What kind of IC can be used to drive the MOSFET, so that when the voltage drops below 6.2 V the battery disconnects from the load? That reverse protection MOSFET works fine for reverse protect...
Is it because for AC signals the emitter looks like a short to ground and that essentially increases the voltage drop across the collector resistor? Yes. The gain of a common emitter amplifier is...
Inductance is defined by the shape of the coil, the area of the coil, the number of turns in the coil, the distance between turns, the ferromagnetic permeability of material within (and surrounding...
Most of the energy produced by the CT windings is being wasted in the internal burden resistor. See this data sheet to see what I mean. I calculate that it has a 60 Ω burden resistor and, at full p...
The magnetic field will always be strongest in the middle of the solenoid. It will be slightly less at the ends of the solenoid and, it will be a lower value on the outside of the coil half way bet...
What are the advantages of such DC offset removal loop, compared to an RC high-pass filter? The primary advantage is that it keeps the front-end amplifier output centred in its DC operating re...
An important formula in physics is one that relates the speed of an EM wave (c for instance) with the magnetic permeability and electric permittivity of the medium. In short: - $$c = \dfrac{1}{\sq...
When should a transformer core be potted? Should it be potted at all? For this type of job, you would pot the transformer when you can't obtain the necessary creepage and clearance between the...
Since we are trying to keep the impedance matched to 50 ohms, what is the best strategy to approach this circuit? A low pass $\pi$ network seems a good route to go. Basically your $\pi$ networ...