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1.3k posts
+4 −0
Q&A MOV vs. TVS diode

Simple thing that I realized I should know but do not -- when is an MOV preferable to a TVS diode (with some associated network to really make it work, in both cases)? Is it even something to routi...

2 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by Pete W‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

+4 −0
Q&A Why do DC/DC switching controllers seem to favour the buck-boost topology over similar ones like Cuk, SEPIC and Zeta?

I'm not sure there's a technical reason, except usually the offered parts are multi-topology and then they could be listed as buck-boost while they at the same time could as well be used as flyback...

posted 4y ago by Lundin‭

+4 −0
Q&A Measuring Input/Output Impedance with a VNA

The input and output impedance of these amplifier is 50 Ohm. You don't need to measure them. That's because they are intentionally matched to the characteristic impedance of the coaxial cables tha...

posted 4y ago by coquelicot‭  ·  edited 4y ago by coquelicot‭

+4 −0
Q&A MOV vs. TVS diode

MOV are bidirectional components suitable for both AC and DC circuits, TVS are most often unidirectional, despite bidirectional TVS are also available; conducts more current compared to TVS diod...

posted 4y ago by coquelicot‭

+4 −0
Meta is this too obvious for a post?

This sounds like it could be a Paper ( if written up nicely. It doesn't make sense as a question because you're telling, not asking. I haven't heard ...

posted 4y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+4 −0
Q&A Filter RF Harmonics With Additional PI Network

Since we are trying to keep the impedance matched to 50 ohms, what is the best strategy to approach this circuit? A low pass $\pi$ network seems a good route to go. Basically your $\pi$ networ...

posted 4y ago by Andy aka‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Andy aka‭

+4 −0
Q&A Is a BJT 3-transistor Wilson mirror faster than a simple mirror?

My question is trying to understand if there is an effect on the switching time, on both turn-on and turn-off, between the following configurations. A mirror set up to switch a current, and there ...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Pete W‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

+4 −0
Q&A Cable loops between utility poles?

Sometimes cables between utility poles make a loop and do a U-turn. What is the purpose of such loops? The loop I'm asking about is in the lower set of wires towards the left of the picture. The...

1 answer  ·  posted 4y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

Question utility-cables
+4 −0
Q&A Why Ib=const. for BJT output characteristics Ic=f(Vce)

Introduction: In some books and other technical papers (also from universities) it is - surprisingly - still claimed that the bipolar transistor (BJT) would be a current-controlled element. This is...

4 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by LvW‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

Question transistor
+4 −0
Q&A Why Ib=const. for BJT output characteristics Ic=f(Vce)

In some books and other technical papers (also from universities) it is - surprisingly - still claimed that the bipolar transistor (BJT) would be a current-controlled element. And this is true, s...

posted 4y ago by coquelicot‭  ·  edited 4y ago by coquelicot‭

+4 −0
Q&A Why Ib=const. for BJT output characteristics Ic=f(Vce)

Getting into wars about whether something is current controlled or voltage controlled is pointless. In most cases, there is some of both going on. Which "one" to call it then has more to do with ...

posted 4y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 4y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+4 −0
Q&A How to estimate time of completion while developing an electronic product?

First, consider the usual triple-constraints often discussed in project management theory: time, cost, quality (choose 2): You can have it fast and cheap, but not high-quality; You can have it fas...

posted 4y ago by Adam Lawrence‭

+4 −0
Q&A How to estimate time of completion while developing an electronic product?

I don't know whether this question is on-topic or not but answering this helps a lot of future electronics entrepreneurs like me understand how the product design and development time estimation ta...

5 answers  ·  posted 4y ago by aditya98‭  ·  last activity 4y ago by TonyStewart‭

+4 −0
Q&A Driving LED with NPN transistor from I/O pin

First, let's redraw the circuit a little more clearly, with logical flow left to right. This also protects the answer from possible changes to the question. As you say, Q1 is a switch to control ...

posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+4 −0
Q&A Replacement power supply voltage and current ratings?

If the external power supply to a device fails, and I can't get the exact model, what do I need to specify to get the right replacement? I can re-use the old supply's connector, but what about the...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question power-supply
+4 −0
Q&A Electrolytic capacitor lifetime rating

If you search through the electrolytic capacitor offerings from distributors like Farnell, RS, Digikey or Mouser, you find that the maximum life-time rating is commonly quoted as 5,000 or 10,000 ho...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by Andy aka‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

+4 −0
Q&A Pi-Filter for EMC

What would be the main considerations to use Pi-filters for EMC? Using the filter correctly and understanding its limitations EMC or EMI (electromagnetic interference) is noted for its high frequ...

posted 5y ago by Andy aka‭  ·  edited 5y ago by Andy aka‭

+4 −0
Q&A Chokes, Beads and Inductors in Pi-filters

I have seen pi-filters using chokes, ferrite-beads, and plain inductors as the L-element What are the main differences between them? when use one or other?

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by zeke‭  ·  edited 1y ago by Lorenzo Donati‭

+4 −0
Q&A Driving relay, transistor keeps failing

I'm trying to drive a relay according to a 5 V digital signal, using this circuit: It works for a while, but then the transistor fails. When I replace the transistor, it works for a while again, ...

1 answer  ·  posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  last activity 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question relay
+4 −0
Q&A Driving relay, transistor keeps failing

The reason the transistor is dying is because you didn't put a flyback diode across the relay coil. Relay coils have significant inductance. This means the current can't change instantly without t...

posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+4 −0
Q&A Moving average that uses less memory?

My control system gets a signal representing the plant output, but that signal has a lot of noise on it. The control system goes nuts trying to react to the noise. I need to filter out the noise ...

5 answers  ·  posted 5y ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by TonyStewart‭

Question digital-filter
+4 −0
Q&A Driving LED with NPN transistor from I/O pin

I'm trying to understand a circuit for driving a LED found on a board I purchased. Below is the circuit driven by an I/O pin (HS2) of a small 3.3V processor. The HS2 pin is driven by the I/O wi...

4 answers  ·  posted 5y ago by eric‭  ·  last activity 1y ago by TonyStewart‭

+4 −0
Meta Viewing the potential live output when editing a question or answer.

Sounds like you have JavaScript disabled for this site. There is a live preview feature available, but it necessarily requires JavaScript to work; without JS enabled, it just... won't. As for your ...

posted 5y ago by ArtOfCode‭

+4 −0
Meta Are we there yet?

Hi there! The on-topic page might need a bit of tweaking and discussion. I think it is important that such a page attempts to be as specific as possible ...

posted 5y ago by Lundin‭

+4 −0
Q&A Relationship between bode plot and pole zero diagram

For any 2nd order low pass filter, the components (R, L and C for electrical and k, M and c for mechanical) can be reduced into two more meaningful quantities: - $\zeta$ (the damping ratio) $\omeg...

posted 5y ago by Andy aka‭  ·  edited 5y ago by Andy aka‭
