That may seem a pointless question, but life has taught me to be careful and to ask before any "somewhat unusual" steps. Also, despite it could be a Codidact question, I think it is also dependent...
Some posts and other updates seem to have gotten overlooked during the update - specifically, the ones created after the process was started and before it ended. Since the update was running for......
Strange things occurring in the "papers" category: my paper entitled "the capacitance multiplier revisited" has disappeared, and my vote rating has been erased. Any insight ?
I just realized that the on-topic page doesn't address electronics assembly. This was always ok on "the old site", so I think it should definitely be ok ...
Apparently you want to measure the current/voltage relationship of a tunnel diode. The tricky part is that the voltage isn't unique for currents over parts of the range. From your question: No...
Yes, this is safe, but you do have to consider the layout carefully. You have to make sure that nothing conductive gets between the pads of each resistor. For this high voltage safety purpose, you...
Hello, I come from EE.SE. I just would like to help you to build this site. And I have some observations: First of all, it is still unclear what is the added value of this site with respect to the ...
That's an excellent idea. But I think there is no need in punishing bad posts here, because there will be very few posts here anyway, I'm sure. You have only to remove those infrequent "bad papers"...
No, I have not seen this circuit before, and don't know what source you may have gotten it from. However, I'm not sure that really matters. I don't know what exactly you are trying to teach, but m...
It's not totally clear from just the verbal description, but it seems the real question is when/if signal and chassis ground should be connected. If the circuit is not intended to be truly isolated...
What benefit has a differential amplifier when measuring the signal from a sensor that is remotely located such as in this example: - Why can't I use an arrangement like this: -
Here is a basic diagram of the power feed to your house, according to what the power company said they found: R1 represents the additional series resistance due to the cable being corroded. R2 re...
To understand why complementary pairs are used, it's probably a good idea to think about the limitations of the NPN emitter-follower circuit: - It's a good circuit for delivering modest powers to ...
I am designing a 4-layer PCB that has both analog and digital circuitry throughout it. The analog section involves high return currents as well as ADCs sampling the voltage across sense resistors a...
I have a handheld ARM Cortex M based device, which has a USB input port. The product is battery powered and there is no metal chassis. We are going through CE testing, and are having ESD issues a...
We think everything is back now. For more information, see this post. If you notice anything else that's gone missing, please let us know. Sorry about the inconvenience! We will investigate why...
Repair questions can be on topic if it's about the underlying electronic principles. Just "How do I fix this?" is off topic. There is little wiggle room for trying to repair a consumer device tha...
Introduction: In some books and other technical papers (also from universities) it is - surprisingly - still claimed that the bipolar transistor (BJT) would be a current-controlled element. This is...
In some books and other technical papers (also from universities) it is - surprisingly - still claimed that the bipolar transistor (BJT) would be a current-controlled element. And this is true, s...
Getting into wars about whether something is current controlled or voltage controlled is pointless. In most cases, there is some of both going on. Which "one" to call it then has more to do with ...
First, consider the usual triple-constraints often discussed in project management theory: time, cost, quality (choose 2): You can have it fast and cheap, but not high-quality; You can have it fas...
I don't know whether this question is on-topic or not but answering this helps a lot of future electronics entrepreneurs like me understand how the product design and development time estimation ta...
Yes, some BOM optimization questions like you mentioned could be on topic. This would include the general techniques for optimizing BOM costs. Getting into specific prices and vendors would be off...
If you are AC coupling to a load then you need an emitter resistor to set the DC operating point and quiescent current of the amplifier. An external AC coupled load cannot do this and, it needs to ...
In theory (I mean in my engineering curriculum) I never found a diode in a mosfet symbol but in datasheets there is a diode called as body diode in both pmos and nmos.Please explain its significan...