If there isn't a VA rating on the label or published in a reliable source, then you have to guess. There are several clues that can be used: Look at the size of the primary wires. That gives you...
I have a HANTEK 6022BE oscilloscope and I'm monitoring three signals with it: FS (Frame sync clock). Pulse. Transfer complete. I'm using two channels of the scope to monitor a pair of these...
This picture describes the behaviour of a single phase transform under resistive,inductive and capacitive loads(from left to right) How what exactly is $V_{1}$ ?Is it the voltage at the primary ...
I have a MOT that is rated 220V-50Hz only and i need to know its maximum operating power i tried to google the reference number but unable to find anything about its power, so how to figure out the...
Question 4 solved: The datasheet lacks the information I've copied from PCM5122:
What we call this opamp configuration? A mess. What's the advantage and the disadvantage of this circuit? This can't be judged without the stated objectives. It might be useful for keepi...
I have been reading about thermal noise in resistors and I have a question: Suppose we have this circuit: Is C2 here to protect the voltage source from thermal noise?
I think these kind of abstract/big picture data communication questions should be on-topic here. Such as the mentioned question about the OSI model. I've been actively pushing for software.codidac...
This is someone trying to rehash a Light experiment with circuits, however I do not think it holds up. Inside a medium, charged particles are subject to Drift Velocity. When you work through the ca...
In this datasheet it says that the minimum resolution is 0.1uA for the 10mA range.What is this minimum resolution?Is it the sensitivity of the multimeter for the 10mA range?
Hello everyone, I have a simple circuit in which I control some LEDs via an MCU and DMG2302UK ( N-channel MOSFET ) The EN pin is connected to an MCU gpio pin that works at 3.3V. The circuit wo...
Assuming we have a voltage regulator : Why do we have to ground Vin and Vout using 2 capacitors just like that?Co could be to provide a low resistance path to GND at high frequencies but what is...
I must admit that your question (the described problem) is an interesting one. Speaking about the circuit (without consideration of the parts values), there are two feedback effects: At first, ...
There is a mistake in the last line: $$\eqalign{V_{C_1}(t) &= V_1(t) - RI_{C_1}(t) \cr &= \sin(t) - \dfrac{\sin(t) + \cos(t) - \mathrm{e}^{-t}}{2} \cr &= \dfrac{\sin(t) - \cos(t) + \m...
Is this equation valid only when a JFET in saturation mode , correct? because in the ohmic region the JFET acts like a voltage controlled resistor and increase in VDS increases the resistance of th...
I am not familiar with that chip, and only took a very quick look at the datasheet. Here is the block diagram of the part from the top of the first page: A few things pop out from this: This c...
The RSSI detector in the receiver is the best field tool. In Windows I had a tool (Wifi Radar?) that read the Broadcom IC RSSI and displayed a time plot of the results as I changed laptop orientati...
How can we find the equation of current and voltage of a capacitor circuit if the input voltage is AC without using the impedance formula Xc = -jωC?. We have for homework to find the equation of...
I have been trying to model this oscillator I was wondering if we can somehow predict the frequency of the oscillations.For small currents inside a diode from the Shockley diode equation $$ e^{x...
At Somewhere Else, we started an initiative to make a community-maintained list of abbreviations used in electrical engineering: What are abbreviations used in electrical engineering? I think it c...
This LC circuit depends on several criteria for stable linear oscillation; 180 deg phase shift ( with 3rd order LC network) plus 180 degree inversion to achieve the oscillation criteria of 0 or ...
If you mean electret microphone, no damage to JFET buffer. Microphone input won't damage a headset with it's current limited pullup resistor for electret Mics.
I think you are over complicating your thinking a little bit. For an associated device the only thing that matters is how you limit the energy going into the hazardous area. You put your zener barr...