General Q&A about the design and function of electronic systems, electric power systems and infrastructure, their theory, and tools specific to those fields. Read these guidelines before posting.
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I'm wondering if there are particular aspects of an oscilloscope probe's performance that tend to suffer, or failure points to look out for, if/when buying lower-end makes of oscilloscope probes (l...
The circuit above is used to control a 240W ceramic heater by means of a PWM signal at 30Hz, generated by a microcontroller, with 5V logic. The input is a standard 280W AC-DC external power adapt...
Hello everyone, I have a simple circuit in which I control some LEDs via an MCU and DMG2302UK ( N-channel MOSFET ) The EN pin is connected to an MCU gpio pin that works at 3.3V. The circuit wo...
A while ago I made a question about the monostable multivibrator .Lets get a picture of it: When switch is closed it enters its unstable state and it eventually returns to the stable state Howe...
Assuming we have a voltage regulator : Why do we have to ground Vin and Vout using 2 capacitors just like that?Co could be to provide a low resistance path to GND at high frequencies but what is...
I have this circuit: I think that R3 acts like a feedback path from the output to the input.However I am not sure what will happen if I change the value from 100Ohms to lets say 1kOhms. I have ...
I'm wondering what's the most correct term (if any) to use for "switching noise" of a radio transceiver? By that I mean the spikes that originate from turning the power amp on/off while switching b...
I'm designing a PCB for a project. 12 volt input power supply is provided externally, so the user will buy a power adapter, so putting a popular DC jack on the PCB is the best choice.
Modern CAN transceivers like MCP2561FD that support CAN FD with high baudrates come with an optional feature called SPLIT, which is to my understanding a reference voltage output pin used to give a...
Is it possible to drive a PMSM motor - here I am referring to an AC motor with permanent magnets(stator wounded, rotor with PM) - in a way that there is no externally mounted rotor position sensor(...
Hello I don't understand how this differential to single-ended voltage converter can work. What I don't understand is why we place a current mirror(a current mirror copies the current flowing thr...
In monostable multivibrators we use a trigger signal applied to the base of the transistor which is usually off to enter the astable region Can we instead have a pin which is connected directly ...
What is a typical value for capacitance of a real inductor? Does this internal capacitance exist only under AC and not DC?
How does the differential to single ended converter work? In order for the circuit to work, Q1 and Q3 must be in the saturation region and depending on the voltage inputs, one of Q2 and Q4 will be...
How do I find the current through the inductor and the voltage of the inductor after the switch is closed?
How do I find the voltage of the capacitor and the current through the capacitor after the switch is closed?
What is a difference between SPI stream and memory mapped SPI? PS SPI is a peripheral.
When using through-hole ("THR") connectors on a multi-layer PCB, I frequently notice problems with the ground pins, when these are connected to the ground plane(s) through various "thermal relief" ...
I am designing a DC/DC converter in the control loop of which a transconductance amplifier (OTA) is used. This part of circuit looks like this: To determine the needed characteristics, I am usin...
In all descriptions of how (non-FET) transistors work I've seen, there is an inherent symmetry: There's either an n-doped layer between two p-doped, or a p-doped between two n-doped, and the descri...
In this bistable multivibrator which is $Q$ and which is $\overline{Q}$?
I was looking at the video of the Tesla Model 3 motor controller(400VDC, 500A) disassembly and noticed a resistor network as in the picture below. They are 2k resistors(SMD code 202). See the pic...
The term "Discrete" uses to describe a signal with two modes, but is there a term to describe a signal with just one mode or with three or more modes? Question update: Also, isn't a wave with just...
I was hiking around the Berkshires in western Massachusetts yesterday, and came across this metal panel where some power lines were crossing a ridge: The panel is a few meters wide, and appe...
I always had trouble understanding the terms "digital" and "analog"; Wikipedia and various Q&A sessions didn't contain explanations I found clear. I understood that these terms aren't well defi...
Background. I have a legacy battery system that is comprised of twenty-four 12V Li-ion battery modules (self-protected), enclosed in a shell with the charging connection provided as a common groun...
Moderator's note: This is getting ridiculous. You keep posting these drawings that are barely legible. The scribbling is bad enough, but the uncropped images are unacceptable. The image you ori...
In noise analysis of operational amplifiers, the following is considered: Noise generated by the external components (resistors in feedback network etc.) Noise generated by the operational ampl...
Is this equation valid only when a JFET in saturation mode , correct? because in the ohmic region the JFET acts like a voltage controlled resistor and increase in VDS increases the resistance of th...
Please see the image below. I'm trying to convert my IKEA NYFORS floor lamp into a reading light, by covering the top with an Aluminium pie plate. Will this be a fire or electrical hazard? Does an...
How can we extract a DC signal from a mixed signal?If we want to extract the AC component of a signal we can use a blocking capacitor to remove any DC offset but how do we achieve the opposite?Can ...
Is the cell voltage (at a modest charging rate) mostly determined by thermodynamics on the electrode surfaces and resistances of electrolyte and electrode particles, or there is a non-negligible ki...
I find the current flowing through the capacitor $$\begin{align} I_{C_1}(t)&=\dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\left[V_1(t)-I_{C_1}(t)R_1\right] \\ {}&= \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\left...
I have generated flyback convertor schematic by TI's Webench Power Designer. Parameters: universal AC input (85-265V AC) 5V, 2A output isolated UC3843A controller Basically I understand f...
How can we find the equation of current and voltage of a capacitor circuit if the input voltage is AC without using the impedance formula Xc = -jωC?. We have for homework to find the equation of...
One of the ceramic capacitors that I've found(link to the capacitor) specifies the following characteristics at 10 kHz: The difference in value is quite significant, almost 100 fold. Which grap...
In the design of a power converter, picking the appropriate capacitors for the input and output of the converter is quite important. It is relatively easy to calculate the necessary values for a gi...
While doing some reading on RF designs I ran across this paragraph: I have never designed an RF circuit, but all the PCB trace antennas I have seen on development boards are square. For example,...
I am trying to test a AD8307. Here are my connections: (pins not shown are left unconnected, and also pin 8). I get a quiescent output voltage at pin 4 of about 850 mV with respect to ground, w...
Application notes for microcontrollers or other ICs that have an internal 10M/100M ethernet PHY module differ in their requirements for the external interface components. It seems that the PHY des...
The particular IC I ran into this issue with was DS3231 RTC. The pin configuration shows: However, the datasheet specifies To my knowledge, 'N.C' appears on ICs when it is decided to use a cer...
I got my hands on a Tesla Model 3 aftermarket module (Display/Cluster) The IC's are labled with the brand 'PocketLink' Id like to know more about what these parts are. Chip1: PocketLink B2 003...
Small-shop question here. Is there a convenient tool for making the bend shown below, other than a pair of pliers that happens to be just the right size, and is it worth it for qty low 100's? ...
I have a 900MHz radio with a reference design matching network. The radio feeds to a PCB antenna (PCB antenna hasn't been verified with a VNA, and may not be a great match; this is a project to n...
I have had my soldering iron tips degrading at ridiculous rates. Granted, they are not very expensive, but sometimes it takes less than 8 hours of soldering for them to degrade to the point where t...
In circuit analysis why always the power has upper hand over energy? Even if we consider a simple battery circuit with a bunch of resisitors we always use the terms power delivered,absorbed,consump...
I'd like to use a 555 timer as carrier wave generator at ~ 50 kHz and modulate the amplitude with an external digital signal at ~ 1 kHz. The pulse width remains constant at 10us (50% duty cycle)....